This unique comedy variety show strategically equips your community to recycle according to your communitties standards .


IMAGINE…   every child in your community becoming the recycling captain of their home. An energetic agent in every home encouraging & equipping their family to comply with your local recycling laws, effectively multiplying the overall compliance within your community.

“The Magic of Recycling” is specifically designed for students to enjoy together as they follow the journey of a piece of refuse as it is tracked along 3 common paths. They learn which is most effective in preserving our environment, their future and what they can do everyday to reinforce best practices.

But the structure of the show goes so much deeper


arrow20  Each program is strategically designed combining:  arrowleft20

  1. Visually stimulating set – builds anticipation and focus.
  2. Hilarious comedy – stimulates their imagination.
  3. Audience interaction – keeps their attention.
  4. Mnemonics – increases retention.
  5. Call & response – transfers tweet-able phrases to their mind.
  6. Accelerated learning techniques – enable the content to stick & stick fast.
  7. Impossible magic – piques their intrigue throughout the show.
  8. 250 watts of battery powered amplification- show is completely self contained.
  9. Remote music soundtrack – establishes the emotional level of the show.
  10. Each program is also tailored to your community’s recycling standards for both school & home and is guaranteed to transfer your specific communities standards on their mind.  All this while they are having a blast!

At the show’s climax the students recite the core content of the program in unison from memory. (this amazes even the teachers).  This validates to the students that they have been equipped & know the content so they can confidently & competently receive the title “Recycling Captain” of their home. That’s the magical catalyst that produces results in your community.

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